Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Problem with Ego
The problem is, i am not patient enough. sometimes I am upset an the other person in not upset, but when the other person is also upset, I fell some kind of satisfaction… Continue reading
To Earn the Love of Allah swt?
For the last months of my life I have been pondering over allah, and I believe in allah, but I don’t know if I can ever reach his divine presence… Continue reading
Finding Faith
I need help with finding faith. I pray five times a day, but I don’t feel a connection to Allah (SWT), I have so many Shaytanic thoughts daily, more than peaceful ones… Continue reading
How to Match wordly & Spiritual life
I took bayat 2 years ago but still find difficulties in doing all practices. Many hours of job, travelling and people surrounding me are not in tariqat… Continue reading
Wazifa for children
Question: Salamu Alaikum dear staff, I red an answer of a staff member, I didn’t remember who it was, anyway the answer suggested a small wazifa for children.I liked it a lot, but cannot find the question/answer anywhere on the … Continue reading
Visions, Given a Turban
Prophet Muhammad SAW always appear in form of light in my visions… Continue reading
Inspiration from Allah
I sometimes feel as if Allah is sending inspirations to me, telling me things I should do and what name of His I should say, sometimes letting me ask a question about Him and telling me about Himself! Continue reading
How can I become a Murid?
I want to become a mureed. Please help me to become one? Continue reading
What does it mean to reflect and is there a method used by the Rasul when he “reflect”? Continue reading
Coldness During Dhikr
My entire body gets very cold when I do dhkir or supplicate after Praying. Also after doing dhkir everything around me brightens up and my palms seem to become very “white.” Continue reading