Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Istikhara Prayer
have heard that if any unmarried men/women pray Istikhara prayer and see any dream of any women/men then he/she will be his/her future spouse…. Continue reading
Learning Shariah
As I don’t know someone that I am able to trust and keep company with to learn sharia and adab I am resorting to nothing but to ask for a way to learn sharia… Continue reading
Rabita with the Master
Sometimes I find myself doing the Fajr prayer or reciting a divine name, or even while in silence, I feel what happens to other people, I realize what they feel, their problems, diseases, etc … Continue reading
Request for a Spiritual Name
Question: Asalaam alaikum, This is a request to MSH for a spiritual name, Jazak Allah Khayr for your time & may Allah (swt) reward you here & herafter….. Ameen :) Answer: wa `alaykum salam, Shaykh Hisham Kabbani is not giving … Continue reading
Study in London
I am hoping to complete learning of Shar’ia to a fard-‘ayn level and was previously following the diploma offered by SunniPath. I am following Imam Shafi’i’s madhad… Continue reading
Angels Still in Sujood
My question is about the verse below:
(7.11) And We created you (pl), then fashioned you (pl), then told the angels: Fall ye prostrate before Adam! … Continue reading
Trembling During Mawlid & Zikr
Please kindly explain why theres a tremble / thrill at my back when i heard Maulid Nabi Muhammad & Zikr Khatm Khajagan being recited. It felt like something something shaking… Continue reading
Statement of Bayazid Bistami (ra)
Could you please shed some light on this statement, specifically the last part about religious obligation being “companionship with the Master”? Continue reading