Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Help in tasawuf
Is there anything we can do or read, to get rid of thakabur, hasad,
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Permission to go Cyprus and opening for Prophetic medicine
Can I have permission to go Cyprus to see Sultan and if possible to stay there for 40… Continue reading
Advice Requested Ya Shaykh!
Shortly after I took online bayat (which I hope is accepted), I fell into a major sin… Continue reading
Aim of my existence
I want to ask you about the aim of my being into existence as still I am not able to… Continue reading
Mureed /Deputy
I have always been into Sufism as it runs in my family, but only a 1.5 years ago I… Continue reading
About a statement on a dubious page claiming to support naqshbandi-haqqani
I fell recently on this : “Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani’s testimony regarding Mawlana Khalid al-Baghdadi: “He (Mawlana Khalid al-Baghdadi) was the Center of the Circle of Qutbs in his time…He memorized the Books of the Ithna `Ashari (Twelve Imams), the Continue reading
Warith Muhammadi
I would really appreciate it if you could provide me with as much history, technical information, and spiritual discussion about the nature of being ‘warith Muhammadi’ and what His secret entials. Continue reading
How to leave tariqa with adab
If one has taken Bay’ah and soon realises that he cannot commit to the Awraad and… Continue reading
Privacy when it comes to dreams
I find it very frustrating though when it comes to dreams, I feel like few actually require legitimate interpretation Continue reading