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Sources for Hadith on Imam al Mahdi
Out of interest where can we find hadith on al-Mahdi Sahib ul-Zaman? Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Sunnah
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Jibrael Negative Prayer
Prophet S.A.W. while ascending the minbar in Ramadan said 3x ameen upon the dua of Jibrael A.S. (for example… a person who got Ramadan and was not able to waive of his sins; perish). Continue reading
Dhikr by Numbers
Is making Dhikr in numbers other than those prescribed by the Sunnah permissible? Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Sunnah
Tagged counting, dhikrullah, numbers, remembrance of Allah, tasbeeh, tasbih
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Four Raka`ts before Salat azh-Zhuhr
I researched and according to كتاب الصلاة hadith by wife of Habibullah (saw) that He never missed 4 Sunnah in Dhuhr. And as observed by followers of Imam Abu Hannifa is 4+4+2 Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer, Sunnah
Tagged nawafil, Sunan
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Importance of moon sighting!!
Is it permissible in Islam to observe the Eid day without seeing the shawwal moon? Here in Sydney lots of people even declared the date of eid ul fitr Continue reading
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Imamah of Sayyidina Ali alaihis Salaam
I had 4 dreams of Sayyidina Ali and in 2 of them they wore a green turban with which was covering their shoulders and side of the face….is that how they really wore the turban? Continue reading
Posted in Sunnah
Tagged Sayyidina Ali, turban
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Abu Bakr as-Siddiq and Sahabas making salawat on Prophet
I heard that there is a tradition which is saying that in the time of khalifat of Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, in the day of mawlid an-nabi (birthday of Prophet salAllahualayhiwasallam), he used to gather the sahabas and all together making salawat on Prophet salAllahualayhiwasallam. Continue reading
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