Are these sunnah practices?
Where I live there are traditions that it is not good to sleep or take a bath between the hours of late asir time and before the magrib athan has been called… Continue reading
two taweez
alhamdulillah i have two taweez – one from MSH the day after i took baya a year and a half ago, the other from Hajjah Nazihe more recently Continue reading
Burning Incense
I heard that it is not good to burn certain or all types of incense in the home because they might attract negative energy and scare the angels away… Continue reading
meaning of Mahdi?
What is the meaning of Mahdi? Continue reading
I would like to know what is the proper way to hunt with a gun?… Continue reading
Maintaining Beard
I am growing my beard as per the Sunnah insha’Allah. It is just more than half a fist length. It is quite voluminous on the sides and I have very short head hair. I have two questions:
1) What is the sunnah length of the beard according to Hanafi madhab, and if its a fist length, does that mean I should grab my chin hair and see if the hair exits the bottom of my fist Continue reading
I need Proof from Sharea’ Plz
I am a Naqshbandi and I love Mawlana Shekh Nazim, but I have so many questions that confuse me… Continue reading
Secrets of Wearing a Vest
What is the history of the vest and why we are wearing vest. Any secret behind the vest?… Continue reading
shaving newborn’s hair
Is it required for Naqshbandis to shave their newborn babies’ hair? My grandmother was objecting since we have a girl. Continue reading
What is the meaning of ali in the following sentence : allahuma shali ala Muhammad wa ala ALI Muhammad wa salam?… Continue reading