Marriage/ iman

Question: this link outlines my situation. It is far too complicated so we both decided to part. It has been over a month, and im finding it extremely difficult to get over him, my iman has become so weak, i know what Allah (SWT) does is for the best. Can you please keep me in your duas, pray that I forget about him, move on and become a better muslim. I do have the love for Allah (SWT) and his Rasool (SAW) but I find it extremely hard to keep up with the daily salaah, I am extremely lazy, and I am aware of the punishment for missing it, but I still do, I want to get close to Allah (SWT) but I find it extremely difficult and then I feel Allah (swt) is turning his back on me. I feel extremely lonely. Can you please help me!! JZK.


wa `alaykum salam,

Insha-Allah we are asking Shaykh Hisham Kabbani to pray for you. Start making this Dua for Depression . You may also benefit from this post.

Three Actions to Save Us from Unbelief


The first of these good actions is Salawat for the Prophet (Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him):

“Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammadin wa salim.”

This gives our respect and love for our Prophet (Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him). It means:

“O my Lord. Give Muhammand (Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him) Your Mercy and Your Glory and Your Honor, here and hereafter.”

This respect, even if spoken only once in a man’s life, will come back at the last moment of his life to save him. It is a mercy from Allah.

To Do Goodness and to Help the Needy

Secondly, we have been ordered in Islam to do goodness along our lives (maruf). There is no permission for us to do or think badness for anybody. We must do goodness for everyone. Our faith pushes us away from badness and pulls us toward goodness. Even after our death we have been ordered to do goodness!

Wasiyyah is the obligatory inheritance we must leave for the general good of the community. One-third of our estate must be left for the benefit of the needy, and the other two-thirds may go to our heirs. This may be used to build schools, for instance, or hospitals, or to feed the poor. It is ordered for us.

Yet, as beneficial as wasiyyah may be, it is even more acceptable to Allah if you give during your life. It is, in fact, better to give one dollar with your own hand, during your life, than it is to leave seventy dollars in your will, after your death.

This action, to do goodness throughout your life and to give to those who are in need, will not leave a man at the end of his life, but will come back to save him. It is a sign that you believe in the Last Day, in the Judgment and the Resurrection.

To Forgive

“If anyone harms you, forgive him!”

This is the third action that will come back to save a man at the last moment of his life. The act of forgiveness cannot be lost to a man; it is the character of prophets.

If a man has the character to forgive people, Allah Almighty will forgive him huge sins. He will not give permission for the Angels to write any sin against him! People with the character of forgiveness are very, very few — not even one in one million! It is the reality of faith, for a believer believes that “If I am forgiving, my Lord is forgiving me.”

If anyone is forgiving, believer or unbeliever, his Lord is forgiving him. This is the character of the prophets and will come to a man at the last moment. He will not die an unbeliever. Even among believers, this character is very rare!

[Excerpts from book one,  Sufi Spiritual Practices for Polishing of the Heart
by Mawlana Shaykh Nazim].


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