Tag Archives: affliction
Tribulatons and Tests
I wanted to know about why some people are tested severely and others not so much? Continue reading
Dream: Prophet (S)
I had this dream ten years ago. In my dream I entered a masjid with my father and his brothers… Continue reading
Dream: Mawlana having red pupil
I dreamt about one of my relatives who does black magic on us. In the dream she goes out of the house and recites something… Continue reading
Dream: Horses on train tracks
It was around 5.20 AM in which there were two horses, one was a female pregnant horse and the other male… Continue reading
Dream: Big birds near shore
I come to the ocean shore and meet a group of very large white birds. I ask them what they are doing. Continue reading
Dream: Prophet Isa (a.s)
I was with my auntie by the balcony with the doors closed, and I was saying dua out loud so she was listening too. Continue reading
Vision of two coffins
This was more of a vision.. 1st I was looking at the face of my pir o murshid and then I entered some bright light type of thing and this was one of the things that I saw.. Continue reading