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Tag Archives: arm
Dream: Quran Pak as Protection
It was night-time and in our front-yard something went wrong and bc of it echo-copies were created of people… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged arm, aunt, baby, bad characteristics, bed, clear, copies, cousin, despair, dhikr, fever, front yard, house, Mercy of Allah, nafl, night, people, protect, protection, Quran, sitting, spread, state of wudu, suffering, Sunnah, urinate, vision, wazifa, wudu
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Dream: Istikhara to shoot guns
I did istikhara about what I should do in my personal project (learn how to shoot guns as it is hadith or do ihtiqaf,… Continue reading
Dream: Uncle asks me about tariqa
At Monday night about 03.00 AM I dream meet with my uncle and cousin… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Amana ar-Rasula, arm, Ayat al-Kursi, blow, cousin, Holy Qur'an, mouth, naqshbandi, salat, silat ar-rahm, silsila, Surat al-Falaq, Surat al-Fatiha, Surat al-Ikhlas, Surat an-Nas, tasbih, uncle
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Prayer Request: For my father’s diabetesPrayer request for my father
I am writing to ask for a duwa I can read for my dad. He has diabeties and it gets out of control ( sometimes goes too low and sometimes too high). Continue reading