Tag Archives: arrogance
Is it haram/sin to be arrogant and proud?
Salam Walaykum, Is it a must law to be humble? Continue reading
Dream: Mawlana Shaykh Nazim’s sickness
I saw millions andmillions ofpeople gathered together. It was night time. The people were all standing. I was told these people are the Dalits (or Harijan-God’s people). These are the oppressed people(from India). MSNhelped them all secretly and quietly. All these people are now standing in the night and praying for MSN. Continue reading
Good Manners
Some questions regarding good manners. Sometimes adults make mistakes or say something wrong. It could be about Islam or anything else. How should we be correcting them without offending them? Continue reading
Prayer Request: Arrogance, rage, pride…
I am full of arrogance, anger, and pride. I behave like an overgrown child, not like a woman in her 30s. Sayyidi you have seen my filthy heart… Continue reading
Facebook stalker
I wanted to write to you about a woman on Facebook who claims to have been given special powers by Mawlana. Continue reading
What does it mean to reflect and is there a method used by the Rasul when he “reflect”? Continue reading
Prayer Request:Peoples Attitudes
I have recently come across sisters following the same Tariqah in the town I live in [private]. I have been invited by a sister to come to the weekly zikr. Continue reading
Question about Seeing Good Dreams
I saw a dream, a good dream, and I wanted to ask someone its meaning. However, I am worried that if I ask someone about this, or tell someone about this, that it may not come true or happen… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Advice/Madad/Forgiveness
We are both aged 20 and intend to be engaged/marry this summer when I finish my degree. I know I am weak mawlana I have cried so much and keep trying to make lots of zikr/awrad and need to repent, but I need to marry her young and study in deen with her… kept relapses in sin with her… Continue reading