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Tag Archives: Baytullah
Dream: Kaabah and the cloth
1. For some reason I feel I am being attacked or about to. When I turn my head back I see the Kaabah… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged `umrah, attacked, bags, Baytullah, black cloth, cloth, enemies, engulf, evil, harm, House of Allah, House of God, Ka`aba, Ka`bah, length, light green, prayer mats, protection, roof, spiritual heart, spiritual journey, top, white marks
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Black Stone
I don’t have any knowledge of the Black stone at the Kaba… Continue reading
Posted in History
Tagged A;-Amin, Abu Qubays, akhira, allegiance, Ark of the Covenant, baya`, Baytullah, black sins, Black Stone, caliphate, circumambulate, connection, Day of Promises, dunya, ears, eyes, heart, Holy Grail, House of Allah, Imam Mahdi, Ka`aba, kiss, knowledge, mountain, Noah's Flood, promises, Quraysh tribe, record, rukn, safekeeping, Sahaba, sakhrat ul-amana, Sayyidina `Umar al-Farooq, Sayyidina Abu Bakr, Sayyidina Ibrahim, Sayyidina Isma`il, Sayyidina Muhammad (s), Sayyidina Nuh, significance, spiritual connection, stone of trusts, Tabut, trustworthy, white
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