Tag Archives: bite
Prayer Request: Dogs dislike me
I live in a city where dogs are basically everywhere, still I almost never had problems with them. But for a few months, I got biten twice, I feel they don’t like me… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Son got bitten
Request: Assalam alaikum, Beloved Shaikh Nazim and Beloved Shaikh Hisham.It is my humble request to you O my murshid please do help me.My son was bitten by a stray dog very severely. He has been given his first active immunization … Continue reading
Dream: Garden full of Centipedes
I dreamt I was in a garden full of centipedes, but none bit me!… Continue reading
Dream: Dog biting me
I had a dream after fajr time. I went to bed in wudu that a very nasty looking man sent his dog to attack me… Continue reading
Fear of scolopendra
I live in the mountains in southern Spain and there are insects here called scolopendras…. Continue reading
Dream: Snake bite
HI I felt a snake bite by left hand in my dream last night . I could feel the poison and pain… Continue reading
Dream: Spider biting
Last night my wife had a dream about a spider biting her, what does this mean?… Continue reading
Dream: Owl in dream
I dreamt I saw my mother in our former family home with an owl… Continue reading
Dream: Snake bite
i had a dream that i was walking somewhere (an unknown place, not knowing the destination) and a snake bit me. i was wondering what this could possibly mean. Continue reading
Dream: My Mother’s Dream of Snakes
There were 3 snakes trying to attack her, one was huge and 2 of them were small in size… Continue reading