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Tag Archives: coercion
Forced Divorce
I have a question: Is talaq under pressure accepted? For example, a husband was forced by his parents to divorce his wife although he loves his wife and doesn’t want to.
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Posted in Marriage/Divorce
Tagged coercion, divorce, divorce wife, forced talaq, invalid divorce, parental wishes
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Sharia punishments for women
A representative of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim said that a sharia punishments(such as execution for murder and chopping off hands for stealing) cant be carried out on Muslim women in a Islamic state. Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged coercion, impermissible, Islamic Law, punishment, Shari`ah, society, thief
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Prayer Request: On behalf on neighbour whose wife converted to Islam
My neigbours are constantly fighting loud and want to divorce. They have 3 young sons and wife embraced islam. Her family are strongly religious christians & r always influencing her & kids in bad way, When husband at work christian family visits every day and she leaves Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged argument, coercion, conversion, convert, fight, haram, revert
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Shariah Constraints in the Punishment of a Thief
Recently, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, Allah preserve him, stated in an interview on al-Jazeera that even though the shari`a dictates cutting the hand of the thief,… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, History
Tagged coercion, consumer, criminal punishment. punishment, drought, evidence, famine, hadd, hunger, impermissible, inconclusive evidence, mistake, penalty, Sayyidina `Umar, Shari`ah, society, thief
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