Tag Archives: computer
Mishandling Islamic electronic files
I have Audio Quran, Islamic PDF and audio files in my laptop and I sometimes place my laptop on the floor and misplace it once I had included so many things in my laptop bag like clothes, sandals etc. May Allah forgive me for this. Continue reading
To relax or not
I’m usually very strict on my self not letting myself watch t.v. and do stuff on computers but lately I’ve been stressing about the thoughts that are whispered to me, waswas, and the more I stress the more they come. Meditation and other wirds aren’t helping so to relax can I watch t.v. and use the computer? Continue reading
Dream: Pictures and small fruits
I had a dream around 5 p.m. that there’s a lot of pictures of girls on my computer that I’m looking at… Continue reading
Differences in Times of Imsak
…I just wanted some background on the issue of why there seems to be so much disparity on the time for when suhur ends and fajr starts… Continue reading