Tag Archives: dark
Dream: Hair falling out
a) My ex-wife saw 2 similar dreams whereby we were being intimate together in a dark room with curtains… Continue reading
Blue Man
When I was 8-9 years old, I saw a tall dark blue man, like a shadow, spirit… Continue reading
Dream: Driving on through broken road and obstacles?
Thank you for all very much your answers on my dreams and visions etc. I had a dream where I am in the car with my sister who is driving the car… Continue reading
Dream: istikhaarah
This dream occurred when I was in Makkah during Ramadan 2010. I prayed istikharah about my ex-fiancé (who wanted to get back to me again), and the dream was as follows:.. Continue reading
Dream: The Names of Allah
I am on a motorcycle driven by a cousin who passed away long ago… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Health
One of my cousins from Morocco had her face blackened with black spots. She has used many ointments but without positive result. Continue reading
Dream: Jinn?
The other night while I was sleeping, I dreamt that a person covered in black clothes head to toe jumped out in front of me, I then hit him and ran away, after that I ended up in a pitch black street and called upon ya gaus alzam dastagar, while I was dreaming, my wife was laying next time wide awake because she couldnt sleep, I made a little scream in my sleep… Continue reading