Tag Archives: doubtful
Why did Iblees become shaitan!
Why was iblees transformed to shaitaan? He was once the leader of all angels & all of a sudden because of ego and pride he refused to obey Allah. Where did this ego and pride come in shaitan & why only him why not other angels had the feeling of pride and ego? Continue reading
Help about Haqqani Tariqa
I really love Shaykh Nazim and this tariqa but when I read some stuff about what Mawlana had said like whispering the answers to the question of the grave and giving the soul… Continue reading
Need help to be a good murid
I’m trying to follow the tariqa since more than two years now, but I realize I have a big problem… Continue reading
Washing Machine
I would like to ask if it is possible to share a washing machine with non-Muslims, since their clothes might contain impurities which are not allowed in prayer. Continue reading