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Tag Archives: clothes
Lengthening Garments (Isbal)
1. What does isbal mean linguistically and in its Shar’i application? (Is there an opinion that it relates to trailing as opposed to merely lengthening the garment?)… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged `ulama, `ulema, adornment, clothes, clothing, culture, custom, dragging clothes, dress, Egypt, female, folding, garments, hike up, lengthen, male, pant legs, pride, restriction, salat, scholars, short trousers, shorten, Syria, trailing, train, trousers, ugly, zina
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Dream: Mother at the terrace
My mother saw herself tired and feel like she wanted to sleep. She was in the terrace/… Continue reading
“Puma” clothes suitable for salah
Can you read salah with “puma” brand clothes on, as they have an animal printed on
as their logo ?… Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged animal, brand name, clothes, disliked, logo, makruh, permissible, prayer, printed, Puma, salat
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Dream: Seeing prophet (as) and a man dressed in white
Dream 1: I saw in my dream that I’m standing on a stage beside an old man all dressed in white and seemed vey pious… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged awliya, Charity, Christians, clothes, convert, distributing, firing, harm, help, helper, Jews, old man, pin, pious, pocket, Prophet Muhammad (s), real faith, secret, shiny, stage, tower, white
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Dream: Two pieces of cloth
I saw dead body of my sis wrapped in kafan. My mother kept it folded in washing machine… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged `amal, Ahl al-Bayt, black, buried, clothes, coffin, dead body, deeds, die before death, female, floor, folded, funeral, golden, holy verses, Imam Mahdi, janaza, janazah, kafan, male, mother, Quran, red, sad, Sayyidina Ali, silver, sister, visitors, washing machine, white cloth, wrapped, Ya Ali
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Dream: Istikhara dream
After praying istikhara dua is it true you see signals in a dream or colours?… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged clothes, colors, dream, good dream, guidance prayer, honor, istikhara, istikhara colors, marriage, power, signals, signs, wearing, white dress, woman
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Dream: Ihram
in the dream I’m in a big market in the clothes that you wear when going to `umrah. Evryone around me is askng others for a good deed… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged `umrah, awrad, black, black horse, car, clothes, Day of Judgment, dhikr, Divine service, friends, good deeds, ihram, la ilaha il-Allah, malls, market, mother, safety, sanctity, white cup
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