Tag Archives: clothing
Wearing saffron, red and orange clothes
I have got a three hadees regarding wearing a cloths colour of saffron, red,orange. Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged clothing, color, disliked, forbidden, halal, haram, makruh, permitted, reprehensible
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Naqshbandi Haqqani clothing
I wanted to know that the clothing which Sheikh Nazim via Naqshbandi Haqqani wear… Continue reading
Posted in Sunnah
Tagged clothing, Naqshbandi Haqqani attire, Sunnah
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Lengthening Garments (Isbal)
1. What does isbal mean linguistically and in its Shar’i application? (Is there an opinion that it relates to trailing as opposed to merely lengthening the garment?)… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged `ulama, `ulema, adornment, clothes, clothing, culture, custom, dragging clothes, dress, Egypt, female, folding, garments, hike up, lengthen, male, pant legs, pride, restriction, salat, scholars, short trousers, shorten, Syria, trailing, train, trousers, ugly, zina
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Prayer Request: To progress further without any Obstacles
I feel like someone is slowing me down with everything I do, especally my work and business and general life… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged business, clothing, dhabiha, earning income, hasbiyallah, jealousy, life, marriage, obstacles, qurban, register, store, unemployed, ya Razzaq
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