Tag Archives: enemy
Dream: Snake bite
HI I felt a snake bite by left hand in my dream last night . I could feel the poison and pain… Continue reading
Dream: Glass
After, I had a dream my mom and I saw cobra snake chasing rabbits at my childhood home… Continue reading
Dream: Cat Biting Hand
I keep dreaming about my family cat biting me on the hand, however I do not feel the pain… Continue reading
Dream: Lion
1. A big lion not letting me move or go on laptop. I sat at a table in maternal uncle’s kitchen… Continue reading
Dream: 2 Disturbing dreams; may be connected?
Dream 1: I see myself in my enemies’ house, in a bedroom & a Western doctor is having sexual intercourse with me… Continue reading
Dream: Being shot by a gunRêve: Se faire tirer dessus avec une arme à feu
I had a dream that this one man in black has a big gun and has shot me but there is no sound of the shot, no blood, no pain…[fr]J’ai fait un rêve où cet homme en noir avait un gros pistolet et m’avait tiré dessus, mais il n’ y a pas de son du coup de feu, pas de sang, ni de douleur,…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: cave and snake
I recently dreamt that i was in a sort of cave and i was with a happy white snake and then i saw my ex-boss who dismissed me recently and who i am taking to court for unfair dismissal. Continue reading