Tag Archives: engaged
MAs-salamu `alaykum. My fiance stopped talking with me and his family does not want to keep our relationship. All of the sudden everything is going bad and I do not know why. Continue reading
Isteqara and moral guidance
Am engaged to my cousin but there is nothing healthy relation between us. He has a very bad language and does a lot of suspicion. He is always involved in haram girls. I want to end this relation. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Spiritual Progress
I’d like a prayer request please so Inshallah I can progress in spirituality and Inshallah become closer to Mawlana Shaykh Hisham… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Marriage
I am engaged to a boy my parents introduced me to but I am having second thoughts about the marriage… Continue reading
They run away?
I noticed a pattern and I am getting worried. I am single. For the past 5 years, I haven’t been able to meet a suitable man to marry… Continue reading
Long Engagement
I have been engaged for two years and the marriage has been arranged through our parents… Continue reading