Tag Archives: evil
Dream: Taweez of 313 messengers (As) + dream
I dreamt of a Muslim lady that travels and gives good things to people (I think she is Allah’s servant)… Continue reading
Dream: istikhaarah
This dream occurred when I was in Makkah during Ramadan 2010. I prayed istikharah about my ex-fiancé (who wanted to get back to me again), and the dream was as follows:.. Continue reading
Prayer Request: For protection from evil
Please pray for me that I am protected from the evils of the world and the evils that will corrupt my heart… Continue reading
Dream about Pigs
My cousin her younger sister ( refer to her as A*), & cousin sister in law ( refer to as B*), are just about to walk down this path and there’s big fields either side of the path & loads of pigs all over, there are literally millions of pigs, and they are big and fat! Continue reading
Prayer Request: Sihr?
Is there Sihr black magic to destroy my family?… Continue reading
Dream: Snake
I had a dream last night where I was in my house in pakistan and i had a horizontal cut which had blood coming out of it on my upper right thigh and a snake came out of it. Continue reading
Dream: sayyadina Ibrahim (as) and black beastSayyidini Ibrahim (as) et une bête noire
i see sayyadina Ibrahim (as) transfering a light from Qur’an to my Heart n later, same night i see a dark black colored humanly shaped beast attacks my family…[fr]Dans mon rêve, je vois Sayyidina Ibrahim (as) qui transfère une lumière du Coran dans mon Coeur, et après, la même nuit,…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Mecca, Medina, and Prophet Muhammad (s)
I’ve been having dreams where I see Makkah and Madinah Continue reading
Prayer Request: Marriage and a happy family life
Life is very difficult for me and my family. Myself and two of my sisters are unmarried and have no children and we are all over 34. Continue reading