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Tag Archives: flight
Dream: Missing flight to hajj
I dreamt that I am on my way to perform hajj from my country. Instead of going to… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged flight, hajj, plane, wine
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Dream: Journery
Whenever prior to travelling abroad i get dreams of loosing passport,getting late for flight etc.On this dream I lost my passport and drivers license,unable to pack luggage and leave for cyprus ontime.why do I always get these type of dreams? Continue reading
Dream: Going to Hajj
My dream began with me being at the airport waiting for the next flight that was headed to hajj. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged burdens, flight, hajj, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, purity, simplicity, spiritual station, village
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Dream: Emergency landing in MadinaRêve: Atterrissage forcé à Médine
I was traveling on a plane with my mother and three siblings from Pakistan to America. [fr]Je voyageais en avion du Pakistan vers l’Amérique avec ma mère et trois de mes frères et sœurs…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged airplane, airport, america, counter, excited, excitement, flight, green dome, happy, jump, landed, love, masjid an-Nabawi, Pakistan, plane, Prophet Muhammad (s), Rawdah, Rawdat ash-Sharifa, sincerity, turbulence, visit, window, ziyara, ziyarah
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Rêve: Atterrissage forcé à Médine