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Tag Archives: Rawdah
Seeing Holy Kaaba for the first time
Can you please indicate the best prayer to recite when one sees the Holy Kaaba for the first time? Continue reading
Posted in Hajj, `Umrah & Ziyarah
Tagged adab, du`a, first time, Holy Ka`bah, Madina, Mecca, Rawdah, Rawdat ash-Sharifa, seeing
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Sex diseases
My problem is, due to excessive masturbation i’v lost my manhood. Continue reading
Posted in Health
Tagged 2 raka`ats, addiction, forgiveness, ghusl, intercession, manhood, masturbation, Prophet (s), Rawdah, The Merciful, The Oft-Forgiving, turning in repentance
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Dream: hazrat abu baker r.a
I saw in a dream that I’m attending the majlis of sheikh Asif Hussain Farooqi Naqshbandi Mujaddidi d.b… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged address, association, awliya, body, captain, courage, destination, graves, head, heart, leader, Madina, Madinah, majlis, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, Medina, Naqshbandi branch, Naqshbandi Mujaddadi Silsila, Rawdah, Rawdat ash-Sharifa, ruh, safinat an-najat, Sayyidina Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (r), Ship of Safety, shy, soul, soul travelling, travel, visit
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Dream: Shaykh Hisham at the grave of RasoolAllah(saw)
I had a dream in which I was at the grave of the Holy Prophet(saw) and present were Shaykh Hisham and other mashaikh… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged abilities, beneficial, characteristics, clearing dust, Dala'il al-Khayrat, darood, faculties, grave of Prophet Muhammad (s), group, heart, improvement, lead, maqam, mashaykh, masjid an-Nabawi, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, organs, ornamenting, path of servanthood, perfume, Prophet Muhammad (s), Rawdah, Rawdat ash-Sharifa, real being, recitation, representative, safety, salams, salawat, sandalwood, seekers of realities, servanthood, sign, specialties, tomb, within
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Dream: Emergency landing in MadinaRêve: Atterrissage forcé à Médine
I was traveling on a plane with my mother and three siblings from Pakistan to America. [fr]Je voyageais en avion du Pakistan vers l’Amérique avec ma mère et trois de mes frères et sœurs…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged airplane, airport, america, counter, excited, excitement, flight, green dome, happy, jump, landed, love, masjid an-Nabawi, Pakistan, plane, Prophet Muhammad (s), Rawdah, Rawdat ash-Sharifa, sincerity, turbulence, visit, window, ziyara, ziyarah
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Rêve: Atterrissage forcé à Médine