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Tag Archives: garment
Eternal Punishment of Iblis
Please inform me what the exact eternal punishment of Iblis is as found in hadith literature… Continue reading →
Posted in Hadith
Tagged angels, Ansar, Archangel Gabriel, crying, eternal punishment, fire, garment, guarantee, hadith, Hellfire, iblis, literature, progeny, protected, protection, punishment, Sayyidina Jibril, self-account, self-destruction, Shaytan, shaytans, test, ummah, weep, weeping, wept
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Dream: Father and Son
I had a dream that my husband (who is still away from the family home), was asleep… Continue reading →
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged bare chest, bed, confide, female, female friends, garment, husband, jealousy, marital relationship, no garment, peaceful family life, son, spouses, strengthen, towel, Umm Salama, weakness
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