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Tag Archives: grief
Deep sadness over a man
Salam, I was talking to this man who was planning on asking my hand in marriage. Female cousins got in the way and scared him from marrying me out of envy. I was heartbroken for a year and I just found out now he is married. Continue reading
Posted in Women's Issues
Tagged depression, grief, heartbroken, in love, lost love, married man, sadness
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Doubt and imaan has become weak, what shall I pray?
Can you please tell how to donate English money as there is only a US$ option.
Please can you give me dua for increasing my belief in Allah and Prophet Mohammed (pbuh). I have been going through a lot of hardships in life with my job and enemies and my niece died who was child. I prayed to Allah but I only experience sadness and now I am beginning to question Allah’s existence… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged grief, hardship, Hizbut Tahrir, losing faith, sadness, struggle
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Remembering death daily
Since the death of my father, I start having dreams daily. The dreams are long, full of symbols. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation, Family Issues
Tagged death in dream, deceased parents, grief, preoccupied with death
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Dream: Two towers
Months ago, my wife had a dream of two towers, one higher than the other. The out looking was similar. Continue reading