Tag Archives: hair

Worms and lice in hair

I dreamt about combing my hair as my head was itching Continue reading

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Surah Fatiha

I was thinking about the hadith saying “don’t be surprised if a dead person wakes up after reading Surah Fatiha 70 times on them.” Continue reading

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Dream: A Gift

Recently someone became interested in me. I had a dream that he came to my home… Continue reading

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Dream: Prophet’s hair

I have seen in dream that some pious persons are making ziyarth of holy hair of Prophet sallalaahualaihiwasallam… Continue reading

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Dream: Hair falling out

a) My ex-wife saw 2 similar dreams whereby we were being intimate together in a dark room with curtains… Continue reading

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Dream: What does this mean?

I dreamt I was rinsing my mouth in my parents bathroom. When I looked in the mirror I saw black ulcers and black parts of inner mouth… Continue reading

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Women washing hair during ghusl at night (hanafi)

Is it fardh for a woman to wash her hair properly during ghusl?… Continue reading

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Dream: Istikhara Question

Dream: I have recently thought about marrying a sister and did Istakhara and Alhamdulilah the results that I got from my understanding were straight forward. However when the sister did Istakhara after 5 days she had a dream where she … Continue reading

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Dream: Sura al-Fatiha

in my dream i was in a room that had a red colour, it looked like a room that was for Sohbats… Continue reading

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Dream: Istikhara interpretation

I have been doing the istikhara pray and I did not have a long dream. I had a dream where I saw a head (human head) where the hair was removed… Continue reading

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