Tag Archives: skin
Peno-Scrotal webbing
I suffer from peno-scrotal webbing, please check this… Continue reading
Dream: Horse of Rasool (SAW)
After the regular recitals, while keeping ziqr I fell asleep. I saw a bright white horse… Continue reading
Women washing hair during ghusl at night (hanafi)
Is it fardh for a woman to wash her hair properly during ghusl?… Continue reading
Something is biting me all over. I’m not sure what to do about it… Continue reading
Dream: Turtle meat
I am a sister. In my dream, I saw I had an entire turtle which was already slaughtered so it didn’t have its head but rest of the body was there… Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Imam Mahdi (RA)Rêve : Vision de l’Imam Mahdi (RA)
Yesterday morning before Fajr prayer, I was shown Imam Mahdi (RA) in a dream.[fr]Hier matin avant la prière du fajr, on m’a montré l’Imam Mahdi (RA) dans un rêve. La couleur noire dominait durant tout le rêve :…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Mawlana Shaykh Nazim’s dua
I have a skin condition, and about a month ago, I had a dream that Mawlana Shaykh Nazim was making dua for me. Continue reading
Selling a Qurban
Q: Can the meat of qurban be sold to someone? Some says “cannot” but some says “can”. Continue reading