Tag Archives: hair
Renewing ablutions after touching newborn’s hair
Q: Until the hair of a newborn baby is shaved, do we have to renew the ablutions every time we touch the hair even though the baby has been washed? Continue reading
Cutting of HairCouper les cheveux
Q: Are there any laws or restriction in islam concerning the cutting of the hair (for girls) ?[fr]Est ce qu’il y a des lois ou restrictions en islam en matière de coupe de cheveux (pour les femmes)?[/fr] Continue reading
Women’s hair showing in prayerVisibilité des cheveux d’une femme pendant la prière
Is it true that if even a single hair slips out from under the hijab during namaz, the prayer is invalid? [fr]Est-ce vrai que lorsqu’un cheveu s’échappe sous le hijjab pendant le namaz, la prière est invalide ? …[/fr] Continue reading
Pakistani culture or truth
Q: question concerning pakistani reasons for doing certain things.overtime when certain things were done the elders in my family would say you shouldnt do this because of so and so. . Continue reading
Dream: Hair of Maulana Sheikh Nazim
I remember in a recent dream I was given the hair from Sayyidi Wa Murshidi Maulana Sheikh Nazim (q), the hair was grey in colour quite long (it was their blessed beard hair), the hair was hard Continue reading
Newborn baby hair
Q: Please can you tell me the best way to dispose of my babies hair? Do I bury it? Continue reading
Sunnah of hair
What is the sunnah of having long hair exactly? Continue reading
Disposal of Hairs and Nails
Q: Are we allowed to burn our hairs and nails or we only have the solution to bury them? Continue reading
Shaving Newborn’s Hair
I have always wondered why some people shave the baby’s hair a few days after his birth?
It is Sunnah to shave the baby’s hair seven days after its birth. Continue reading