Tag Archives: hidden saints
Al Khidr and St George
What is the connection between Al Khidr (as) and St-George? Some Christians say St-George was the son of a Palestinian Christian and was martyred… Continue reading
Posted in History
Tagged al-Afrad, Alexander the Great, awliyaullah, Awtad, Christianity, esoteric knowledge, fountain of youth, hidden saints, inner knowledge, Ma'ul-Hayat, Moses, Prophet Moses (as), Sayyidina Khidr (as), Sufi Chivalry, the Green One, watad
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History of Saints in the Philippines
I am from sibutu island in the Philippines. Islam was brought to the Philippines by a Sheikh named Karim-ul Makhdum. He was an arab… Continue reading
Posted in History, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged `ilm al-ghayb, Arabia, Asian, awliyaullah, chain of saints, family history, ghayb, hidden saints, Indonesian, Karamat, kashf, knowledge of unseen, Sayyidina Abdul Qadir Jilani, Sufi orders, sufi saints, Time of Mahdi (as)
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Multiple Bodies/Forms in Heaven/Paradise?
My question is: if, humans are higher than angels, and if they achieve spiritual perfection, can it be that they are given multiple bodies in Heaven…. Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged Abdal, angelic bodies, angelic world, arif, arifun, awliyaullah, changed ones, earthly world, hidden saints, imaginal world, knower-saints, nasma, premature sainthood, reality of scrolling, self-riddance, shaykh Abu Bayazid Bistami, six powers of the heart, spiritual bodies, The Reality of Scrolling (Haqiqatu ’t-tayy), ubiquitous, ubiquity
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