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Tag Archives: history
Authenticity on 12th Rabi ul Awwal as the birth date of the prophet Muhammad (s)
What would it take to make one reconsider the idea that celebrating on 12th of Rabbi ul awwal may not be correct? Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged bida`, birthday of Prophet (s), history, Mawlid an-Nabi (s), Milaad, Milad
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Question on Ahlul Aba
Whole world is under ahlul aba which is Muhammed (s) Ali (A) Fatema (A) Hasan (A) and Hussain (A) and they are so important in whole universe, yet Imam Ali is 4th khalifah and not 1st, how come? Continue reading
Posted in History
Tagged ahlu 'l-`aba'ah, baya`, companions, history, Imam `Ali, khalifah, khilafah, People of the Cloak, political, right of succession, Sayyidina Ali, successor
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History of dua’a of Prophet Dawood A.S.
786. Asalamu ‘alaikum. Please, where does dua’a of Prophet Dawood alaihi salam comes from? What is the story related to it? If you don’t mind, to tell us where does it come from. Is there a hadith about it? Continue reading
Posted in History
Tagged du`a of Sayyidina Dawud, history, source, Suyuti
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Could you kindly explain the history behind or reasons for reading a khatum and the permissibly and the benefits of doing so. Continue reading
Secrets of Wearing a Vest
What is the history of the vest and why we are wearing vest. Any secret behind the vest?… Continue reading
Posted in Sunnah
Tagged Bektashi Order, design, Haydar, Haydariye, history, Mevlevi Order, Sayyidina `Ali (r), secret, Sufi orders, Sunnah, vest
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‘Ahl as-Sunna view on S. ‘Ali Maqam
I would like to know ‘Ahl as-Sunna and Mawlana’s view on Sayyidina ‘Ali (a.s.) Maqam. Where is he really buried? Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, History, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged adab, awliyaullah, burial, buried, camel, coffin, funeral prayer, grave, history, Khawarij, lost, maqam, palace, pious people, pious souls, salawat, Sayyidina Ali, shaykhs, souls, spiritual influence, tribe, visit, wasila, ziyara, ziyarah
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