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Tag Archives: Imam Ghazzali
Hujjat ul Islam
. I had some questions regarding Hujjat-Islam Imam Ghazali. You wrote on this site… Continue reading
Using musical instruments of iron
We are a group shalawat, when we shalawat at one event, there are preachers who… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged Imam Ghazzali, iron, musical instruments
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information about spiritual beings & sihr
What is this asma barhatiyah and its purpose?Is it permissible to practice? eg..BISMILLAHIL ‘ALIYYIL ‘ADZIMIR ROHMANIR ROHIMI BI ‘IZZATI BARHATIHIN 2 X, KARIRIN 2 X, TATLIHIN 2 X, TOURONIN 2 X, MAZZALIN 2X, etc Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged Abdal, awliyaullah, budala, harm, Imam Ghazzali, insanity, Khuddam, Rijalullah, saints, servants of Allah
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Q: Im just confused as to whether listening to music is a sin, because some people say its haram if you do and others say it is not…[fr]Q: Im just confused as to whether listening to music is a sin, because some people say its haram if you do and others say its not,could you please advise if it is.[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged beardless youth, drunkard, festivals, forgiveness, habit, happiness, Imam Ghazzali, immoral desire, joy, lovers, makruh, mourning, musical instruments, obscenity, pilgrims, poetry, regret, sama, sexual desire, sins, songs, sorrow, wedding
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