Tag Archives: initiate
ya sayyidi i was searching for a person to guide in sprituality at that time i had read many things about our shiek so i started loving our moulana shiek i love our moulana shiek so because of that i had taken baya from the website. Continue reading
Feel like to give up
First,I took Bayyath of Moulana Sheik Nazim (nashbandi haqqani) tariqa from online more than a year ago.sometimes I miss to do daily adhab and wazifa.How can muredee know that Bayth is accepted by the shaykh??
Please advice me …Thank you
Second is I am one of Muredee of Moulana Sheik Nazim (nashbandi haqqani).I feeling that I like to give up everything during when i am doing zakir.Sometimes I feel also wanted to be the last day of me in this world during my zikir … Continue reading
The Daily Awrad (Spiritual Practices)
Q: My question is there any particular way of performing above award, what I do is, I perfom Dhikr of the Glorious Name ‘Allah, Allah’ 1500 times during travelling into Bus or subway returning from work place to Home. Continue reading
Confusion about Approval of Internet Bayyat and getting Connection with the pious
I Feel confused, before I took Bayat with Sheikh Nazim I took Bayat on 3 different Sheikh’s hands (age 14 – 21). Continue reading
Dream: Ya sayyidi please help !
I took the bayah online after ramadan and doing awrad of “Level 1” and after month or so increased dikhr. Continue reading
The Daily Awrad
My question is: 1 What are these three different levels?… Continue reading
The Daily Awrad (Spiritual Practices)
Q: My question is what is the meaning of salawat and what is to recite. Continue reading