Tag Archives: jihad an-nafs
Thoughts of Houris leads me to watch Porn
I have in the past made many sincere tawba, resolutions to stop watching porn, tried to fast, etc but it seems to be getting worse rather than better nothing is working. Continue reading
Joining the United States Military
If I join the United States military and I die as a result of fighting the Taliban or ISIS or another group like them will I die as a martyr and Allah will take me to Jannah-til-Firdeaus? Continue reading
Cleaning my self [Nafs (نَفْس)]
In Surah Shams Allah says you will be successful if you able to clean your nafs (self). I need some knowledge about it….
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I am trying to thread the path of tassawuf but my nafs overpowers me sometimes. I know it’s a difficult path but think it’s the way for me…. Continue reading
Seeing Unpleasant Dreams
For some time I have struggled with my ego. I dream unpleasant dreams, which make me believe I am unworthy of good thoughts… Continue reading
Dream: Fighting a beast
This is a dream my friend had recently and wanted to know what it means. Continue reading
Dream: Lions
I saw a dream where there are thousands of black cows and lions in an open ground and suddenly lions started attacking the cows and the men around…. Continue reading
Too much torture
I have been tortured all my life by my relatives and others for being blessed. I have been feeling suicidal for the past 30 years… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Unveil me
What is the fastest method for me to unveil myself and heart to reach my purpose in this life… Continue reading
Seeing sheikh eyes closed
O sheikh, I lead a khatm today and suddenly during zikr, I saw myself “enveloped” into mawlana sheikh Nazim and then mawlana sheikh Hisham. And during the “Allah” part, I heard like many people saying Allah and while having eyes closed…
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