Tag Archives: kiss hand
Dream: Shaykh Hisham wrapped my head
The other day I dreamed Shayk Hisham was in our house in the UK. He was resting in the room and I stood near by him watching him sleep. Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Maulana Shaykh Nazim
I had a dream where after khatm and going around in the circle to shake hands, I received a sort of gold medal with Allah Almighty’s name on it. Continue reading
Dream: vision of rasulallah and awliya
I Was walking In To a gathering like I usually do but in this gathering was peculiar as soon as I walked in I heard tala’al badru alayna being recited and in the room all I could see is shuyukh awliya saliheen and pious people… Continue reading
Dream: Vision of Rasulallah
I was walking with the the Prophet Muhammad (s) peace be upon him after greeting them and i shyly held their hand and they smiled at me this made me happy we walked and the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon gave him salam to Abu Bakr Siddiq Continue reading