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Tag Archives: living room
Dream: Dog, wasp and cigarette
1. In my living room at home I see a pet dog there with me. A brown dog with large… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged angry, attack, black spots, burn, child, cigarette, dog, fitra, hot coal, innocence, Last Days, living room, purity, scared, shake head, spiritual attack, spiritual shield, sting, Surat al-Falaq, Surat al-Ikhlas, Surat an-Nas, teenager, ugly, wasp, womb
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Dream: Elderly person
I saw an elderly person with a long white beard, turban (white color), ring, and dress which were all in blue and green… Continue reading
Dream: Black creature like dog trying to attack me
I was in my house in the living room and through the glass doors I could see that outside… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged abuse, attack, baby, black creature, dates, disgusted, dog, ego, father, feet, fingers, glass doors, growling, hadith, hurt, invisible, living room, mouth, murshid, prevent, Prophet Muhammad (s), protect, rabbit, saliva, scary, spiritual beings, spiritual reality, wildness
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