Tag Archives: Muhammadan Light
Dream: Like in the clouds
I dreamed I met the Prophet Muhammad SAW. I was with the Prophet at a place that is bright and comfortable… Continue reading
Jarrh wa Tadil on Hadith of Nur
I have come across this wasihah(Will) of Hadrath Abu Bakr as-Siddiq RadiALLAHu anhu: “Sayyiduna Abu Bakr as-Siddiq RadiALLAHu anhu expressed his will that my janaza… Continue reading
Deobandism and Barelvism
I live in India and I am very much confused about which sect is correct. In India there are two groups – Barelvi and Deobandi… Continue reading
Stages of the Seeker
Could you please explain to me the stages of a seeker (salik) will pass through? Forgive me if this is not proper to be asked… Continue reading
Nur Muhammad (s), Habashi Beliefs
I would like to ask a question regarding a few issues that I discussed with a friend of mine who studies with the Habashis… Continue reading
Hadith: Messenger a prophet when Adam was between water and Clay
Q: Recently i was reading in “Lives of man” by Imam Al Haddad- “It is narrated that the messenger of God was already a prophet when Adam was between water and Clay, Between Spirit and Body, and that he accompanied Adam when he was brought down from garden,Noah when he boarded his ark, Abraham when he was thrown into Nimrod’s fire. Continue reading
Dream: anhiliation in nuur
i recently had a dream in which i saw myself sitting with mawlana who was showing me a book with many pictures of himself and it had info about future events. Continue reading
Hadith of Jabir
Q: I would like to know what is the level (sahih, hasan, daeef, etc) of the Hadith of Jabir (ra). [fr]Q: I would like to know what is the level (sahih, hasan, daeef, etc) of the Hadith of Jabir (ra). [/fr] Continue reading