Tag Archives: parents
I have a quick question in regards to parents in Islam…[fr]J’aurais une question rapide concernant les parents en Islam. Je vis avec mon mari et mes beaux-parents sont de très bonnes personnes…[/fr] Continue reading
To keep or not to keep the practice of Rasullah S.A.W
We are in a delima that our parents are asking to shave our beard and to remove our cap. . We are trying out best to up keep the tradition of our beloved Prophet Muhammad S.A.W because of the love of him. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Travelling to see Mawlana
This is my first time I shall be going to Cyprus to visit Mawlana Sheikh Nazim. Please do dua that I have the opportunity to see Mawlana and talk to him. Continue reading
Prayer Request: FOR MARRIAGE
I recently dreamt that I was by the edge of a pool but the water wasn’t a pool but the deep ocean. Suddenly two killer whales seemed to thrash at the edge of the pool and my parents and some other people were passing so I jumped to save them. Continue reading
Prayer Request: son
I request prayer for my son that do not obey me and his mother commands and do not do good in school. but, he is helpful with other people except his family. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Urgent
Please Maulana pray for my friend .her parents are enforcing her to marry her cousin (as her cousin doesn’t respect women and other matters as well). Continue reading
Worries for my parents
I am worried for my parents, especially my mother. She has been ill and for the past few days she keeps saying her body hurts badly and it feels like someone is poking a knife into her. Continue reading
Dream: Sheikh Hisham talking to meRêve: Cheikh Hisham en train de me parler
In my dream Sheikh Hisham was telling me something about my family specifically my parents to the effect of them having to be understanding about something to do with me. [fr]Dans mon rêve, Cheikh Hisham me disait quelque chose par rapport à ma famille, plus spécifiquement que mes parents devaient être compréhensifs par rapport à quelque chose me concernant…[/fr] Continue reading