Tag Archives: perfection
Last week a marriage proposal came for me and he was perfect. He was what I had prayed for from Allah but I refused on a really stupid thing. It was my first proposal. Now I am regretting it very severely. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Unveil me
What is the fastest method for me to unveil myself and heart to reach my purpose in this life… Continue reading
Four Ladies Reached Perfection?
I heard a Hadith mentioned in a lesson yesterday that went something like:… Continue reading
How to make my husband perfect Muslim
Q: How I have to teach my husband to become a perfect Muslim because sometimes I have stressful with my take my kids Continue reading
question on daily practice/awrad
can u please tell me which consequence is the right one for the practice of people of determination because some book differ: salat wudu’, najat, tahajjud and salat tasbih followed by fajr? Continue reading