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Tag Archives: prayer
Dream: Horrified at Ka`aba
Dream: salam , I had a dream few days back which really horrified me. I saw me, my mother and a few relatives…. I saw we were at Kabba and I am not able to perform salat? I am really … Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Divine Presence, forgiven, horror, Ka`aba, opening, piety, prayer
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Make-up Prayers When Traveling
Q: When we travel 50 miles we only [pray] two rakats. Suppose we don’t do these rakats when we arrived at destination. We go back home. Do we then 2 or we do replace it with the normal number of fard rakaates? Continue reading
Joining Congregational Prayer After First Raka`at
Q: We join the fard prayers after it started, lets say at the second rakaates, when the Imam gives salam we stand up to complete what we are missing. Do I read the thanaa before Alhamdolillah? Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged congregation, imam, late, prayer, recitation
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Salams to Woman at Musalla
Question: Asalammualikum Wa Rahamathullah wa Barakatahu One of my friends works in a corporate company and he doesnt find any Masjid near by so he does perform namaz in office itself. He will be go to the top floor and … Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged musallah, office, prayer, woman
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Praying in Mosque with People of Different `Aqidah
Q: I live in a community where in mosque every type of people come and offer prayer. Wahabi, Deobandi, Salafi etc. Is it a strong reason to offer prayer in my room?… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram, Salat - Prayer
Tagged `aqidah, congregational prayer, Deobandi, jama`ah, mosque, prayer, Salafi, salat, Wahabi
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Making Prostration (Sajdah)
Questions: “I have two questions. The first concerning sajdah. Do knees touch “the ground first, or do hands? I remember someone quoting a hadith “about not making sajdah like a camel. What does this mean? Answer: The only school that … Continue reading
Posted in Salat - Prayer
Tagged position, prayer, prostration, sajdah
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Istikhara Prayer
In making important decisions it is recommended to ask advice when one is not sure about the right course of action. The first type of advice is from those whom one trusts and considers competent to answer. This is istishara. If this is insufficient then one makes istikhara… Continue reading