Tag Archives: pregnancy
Pregnancy Ta'wiz and Fasting
Are there blessings for unborn baby when mommy fasts? Continue reading
Que faire!
I have 4 daughters my parents want me to get pregnant to have a boy but I don’t want to. Continue reading
Please make dua for my sisters pregnancy to go smoothly InshAllah. Continue reading
My brother had her Christian girlfriend pregnant.
My brother had make a non moslem woman pregnant, and next problem is the girl (christian) refuses to become moslem. Continue reading
7 Months Pregnant
I am right now 7 months pregnant, Alhamdulilah, but recently my husband keeps calling me names like fat, walrus & he refuses to sleep with me. I feel hurt all the time but I just swallow my feelings. Continue reading
Consuming placenta after childbirth
There’s a “trend” in US for women to save their placenta after childbirth and consume it. Is it permitted? Continue reading
Prayer Request: For child bearing and good husband
Have gone through very bad times with my husband but now Alhamdulillah he is on the right path. Please please remember us in your prayers and what can we do for Allah Taalah to grant us good offspring? Continue reading
Bleeding during pregnancy
Can we pray when pregnant (2nd month) but bleeding? Continue reading
Six Days of Shawwal and Make-up Days of Ramadan
Is it ok to combine the six days of Sunnah fasts in Shawwal with make-up days for missed fasts (due to a valid excuse) of Ramadan? Continue reading