Tag Archives: Prophet Moses (as)
Is this an authentic Hadith?
AssalaamuAlykom Once Musa (AS) askd Allah: O Allah! U have granted me the honor and privilege of talking to you directly, Have you given this privilege to any other person? Continue reading
Was he an Angel?
I saw a white man. He was wearing a white robe with a sliver belt, and a white long cloak with sliver pattern around collar and chest. He was so beautiful… Continue reading
Al Khidr and St George
What is the connection between Al Khidr (as) and St-George? Some Christians say St-George was the son of a Palestinian Christian and was martyred… Continue reading
Belief of Pharoah?
Was ‘The Seal of the Wisdom of Sublimity in the Word of Musa’ truly written by Ibn Arabi?… Continue reading
Jewish ancestry
shaykh i need your help, my husband is a mureed of shaykh nazim for a few years , everything was going good until recently my husband found out his ancestry which linked us to jewism. Continue reading