Tag Archives: Prophet Muhammad (s)
Q: can any body see Allah Pak in this world? if yes then how? how one can reach spiritual gatherings of Prophet Muhammad (s)? Continue reading
Al Dajjal
Q: Can you tell us more about the dajjal what is he going to do? Someone told me that about Dajjal yuhyee wa yumit is it true ? Continue reading
Dream: the Prophet (s) surrounded by light whirling
I had a vision that i saw what i beileved to be the Prophet Muhammad (saw) surrounded by light whirling. Continue reading
concerning thoughts
Q: i am a 19 year old girl…please suggest a remedy to have control over thoughts concerned with all wordly issues…it might be also for thoughts about any specific person… Continue reading
Dream: Mosque of Madina
I see in my dream the holy Mosque Of Madina. There I see Owais Raza Qadri (naat qhuan) smiling at me. he entered the mosque and I follow him, there I see Mawlana Nazim AL- Haqqani giving lecture. Continue reading
Dream from 2-3 Decades Ago
The dream involving the moon was a beautiful dream. I had been staring at a full and vibrant moon while in zhikr, breezes of air were brushing my face, i remember seeing from afar yet very close that i had been very happy and had a smile on my face. Continue reading
Dream: prayer in dream
Dream: assalam alaykum Saw a dream in the morning hours i am in a certain mosque. And sitting in the first row ( the mosque and all other musallieen are in white dress). Waiting for Imam to come and lead … Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Rasool’Allah (SAW) gesturing me to follow Him (SAW)
Dream: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim I reverted to Islam in 2005 and took baya’t in 2008. As revert, I regularly made dua that Allah would increase my love and knowledge of Sayiduna Rasool’Allah (SAW) During Ramadaan also 2008, after offering my … Continue reading
Dream: The Prophet (s) has made him.
My mother had a dream a while ago in which a voice spoke to her mentioning my name and asked her is he your son, and my mother had replied yes he is my son, the voice then replied that the Prophet(s) has made him. Continue reading
Prophet Mohammad(s) in my dream
Q: A green field with a lot of murids in it, some sheiks comes and start orderind the murids to get in line behind them, every sheyk wanted all the murids behind. I was in the field very confuseed without kwowing where to put. Continue reading