Tag Archives: qada

Fate and Free Will

What is the connection between free will and fate? Continue reading

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Six Days of Shawwal or Qada of Ramadan?

Is it allowed to fast the six days in Shawal before paying the debt of missed days in Ramadan Continue reading

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Reward of Sunnah prayers when not offering qada

In Shafi’ School does one get reward of praying taraweeh even though he has many qada prayers such as of Asr as its Haram to pray back Continue reading

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Replacing highly recommended muakkada sunnan with qada

one goes to jannah isA when praying 4 rakats sunnah before and after dhur. Continue reading

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Intentions and Actions

is it correct to say that actually the only thing a man can do is to come up with an intention or niyyat, and the rest is carried out by Allah.  Continue reading

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I’m in the process of divorce. I’m the one who initiated it. My husband is in Pakistan. He is blackmailing me for money. Continue reading

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Ruling for pregnant ladies

I have this deep concern in the matter of the ruling laa qadha’ for pregnant ladies that is circulating freely in social media. Dr Asri the Ex-Mufti of Perlis gave this fatwa that pregnant ladies does not need to qadha’ their Ramadhan, it’s sufficient for them to only pay fidyah. Continue reading

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Request for zikr

Sheykh Hisham Kabbani Sahab (qs). I am very grateful to you that u show me the right path to reach Maulana Sheykh Nazim Haqqani sahab. Sheykh Sahab after taking baya with Sheykh Nazim (qs) my life become more disciplined, but my fajr prayer more often become qada. Continue reading

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Divine Will and Divine Approval

I always believed anything that happened or will come to pass is solely what Allah wanted, whether we liked or disliked it, regardless of whether we felt “responsible”… Continue reading

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Missed prayers from age of 9

One of my co-employees requested me to ask about prayers missed since age ten. Continue reading

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