Tag Archives: reminder
Serious and quick help please
I have recently had a very depressing period in my life however with the help of Allah… Continue reading
Praying for the Deceased
I have a simple question surrounding praying for those who have passed away. When praying for our dearly departed, do they benefit more if we pray at their graves.. Continue reading
Squeezing of the body
I awoke late night, I had a strong feeing the angel of death was at my window. I got up, made wadu, and came back to bed. I wanted to die on my right side,as i was turning, something pushed me hard on my back, and was holding me… Continue reading
Dream: Tulips on my Pregnant Wife’s Belly
My wife who is pregnant dreamt that there were drawings of tulips and roses on her belly with some Arabic scriptures above… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Good marriage partner
I’m a Mureed of Shaykh Nazim. I recently initiated through website. Could you please ask my Shaykh to make a dua for me… Continue reading
Belief: About Armageddon
Q: anytime the question of Armageddon, or Mahdi (a.s.) or the Judgement Day comes to a conversation, my wife, Habiba, suffer a great anguish and she start to say that why I believe in this things (about the end of the world) and I started a family and bring children to suffer, or denying that this Huge events will happen in our times. Continue reading