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Tag Archives: rescue
Dream: Silver Snakes
My husband had a dream today where he saw me and him were crossing a field full… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged pragmatic, rescue, snakes
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Dream: Protection if they are bad dreams
1 My husband’s beard and mustache shaved… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged beard, bed, bite, black snake, brothers, cave, crack, dinosaur, dog, dragon, dunya enemies, enemies, father, harm, husband, inject, jaw, kill, long life, losing, losing status, male corpse, martyr, mustache, property, quiet breathing, religious upbringing, rescue, saved, shaved, shore, snakebite, snakes, spiritual enemies, status, tide, touch, veil, wall
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Dream: Prophet’s Adhan
I had a special dream. I was on an old ship in a stormy sea, and there were many people all dancing, making party, drinking, like a discoteque, despite the storm. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Prophet Muhammad (s), rescue, soul, world, worship
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