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Tag Archives: ring
Dream: Firuz (turquoise) ring of Sayyidina ‘Ali (as)
Dream: Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahym As-Salaam Alaykum My brother, who is also my brother in Naqshbandi Tariqat, saw us both in a dream. I had two silver firuz (turquoise) rings and he one. I gave one to him and someone said … Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged blue, finger, firuz, generosity, ring, Sayyidina `Ali (r), Sayyidina Ja`far as-Sadiq (r), turquoise
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Feruz turquoise ring – beneficial or harmful?
Last month I bought a Nishapuri Feroza (from Nishpur in Iran) to use it as a ring to wear. But I am told that not everyone should wear it, as it can really harm some people. Continue reading
Q: I have heard that muslim men can wear only silver rings of a weight of 4 grams but I see many ulema wearing rings which look like more than 4 grams. Continue reading
Dream: Grandfather Dying in One’s Arms
As last night itself, I dreamed of my late grandpa. He was suffering in bed because in the room there was a silver ring with a Saphire stone, and it was this ring which made him sick. He wanted to make duas on him, I cried for my mum to make it but in vain, he left dunya in my arms.[fr]As last night itself, I dreamed of my late grandpa. He was suffering in bed because in the room there was a silver ring with a Saphire stone, and it was this ring which made him sick. He wanted to make duas on him, I cried for my mum to make it but in vain, he left dunya in my arms.[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged bed, death, die, du`a, dunya, grandfather, invocation, paradise, ring, sapphire, Sayyidina Ali, silver, Sunnah
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