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Tag Archives: scarf
Dream: Snatching knife from my father
I saw that my father bought some knifes in a scarf, I saw and snatched them and I was beating my father, he could not defend himself, and was wearing white dress. Then my eyes opened. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged beating, communication, father, knife, knives, scarf
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Dream: Prophet (S)
I had this dream ten years ago. In my dream I entered a masjid with my father and his brothers… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged affliction, akhira, brothers, difficculties, dunya, father, gifts, hug, illumination, lady, light, masjid, no hijab, noor, noorani, Prophet Muhammad (s), relief, reward, rush, scarf, sisters, smile, stand back, stop
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Dream: mosque visit de ja vous
In the mosque cutting the grass and the gates are being closed by the present caretakers… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged actions, adults, bad habits, caretakers, closed, cutting grass, dance, dancing, ears, eat, fearful, food, gates, grass, groups, hypocrites, insincere, kids, kind heart, lady, learning, masjid, masks, mosque, mother, mowing lawn, Muslim, pairs, red lace, scarf, spiritual knowledge, sweets, wearing, younger people
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Wear scarf or not
I became Muslim two years ago, happily wore scarf, and proud of this… Continue reading
Posted in Women's Issues
Tagged beautiful women, Christian friends, convert, disgusted, happy, hijab, hostile, married, non-Muslim country, personal desicion, proud, revert, sake of Allah, scarf, ugly, worried
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Dream: Dream with my virtual female friend
A sister in Islam, which I know only a few years the Internet has had a dream with me that she arrived at the former place she lived there and met me and hugged me… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged head-cover, internet, scarf, virtual
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Dream: Young LadyRêve : Jeûne femme
I was in a Masjid with my younger sister. We were waiting for a young lady to come out of her room, which was in the Masjid. In my dream this lady was a pious woman and a granddaughter of a very pious man. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged ghad al-basar, green, hijab, lower the gaze, paradise, path, scarf, white
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Rêve : Jeûne femme
Dream: Armpit
I had a dream sometime back,in which i see my armpit area has increased down till my chest on the side.It has just tiny hair and I hide it from people that I can’t let them know about this. Continue reading
Qur’an and Menses
Q: Should women read or touch the Qur’an during menstruation?…[fr]Q: Should women read or touch the Quran during menstruation?…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram, Women's Issues
Tagged awrad, dhikr, fiqh, Hanafi, hijab, mashaf, menses, Quran, scarf, touch, translation
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