Tag Archives: shame
Dream: Cleaning my brother-in-laws room
Dream: Salam Alaikum, Dream starts with me cleaning our house, I then went to clean my brother-in-laws room assuming the room was empty, but before I can go in I heard him clear his throat. I waited a bit, assuming … Continue reading
Salvation without Prophet’s Intercession
Is it possible to get salvation without the intercession of Sayedna Muhammad… Continue reading
Dream: Of a Person Coming Into The House
I am writing this dream on behalf of my Mom. She dreamt that a person who was… Continue reading
Dream: Regretful marriages
I’ve had 3 dreams in less than a month. In every dream my family and spouse are happy but I’m not and regret my decision. Continue reading
Q: I feel like i have made some improvements but i uderstand that it is minute in reality however recently i keep thinking about the sins i have commited in my life and i feel like they are still a burden on me Continue reading
Dream: Sheikh Hisham
Assalamualikum. Dream after Fajr namaaz: on my way back home, a car stopped and 3 men inside. Recognised Sheik Hisham but ashamed to greet him salaam because I was in my shorts. Continue reading