Tag Archives: shawl
Sunnah of The Rida’
I was wondering whether wearing the rida’ like the habaibs are Sunnah. Also, is the ghutrah/shamagh etc. items which the Prophet S.A.W wore? Continue reading
Burqa and Niqab
I became intrigued about the history about when women started wearing the burqa or niqab, and why does it bother people so much that women wear it? Continue reading
Dream: Sheikh Nazim gives me a shawl
I had a dream of Molaana Sheikh Nazim. I am in a very big mosque and I… Continue reading
Dream: Vision on Ijaaza
I imagined myself in the tomb of Sheikh Ibn Arabi RA and requesting Ijaaza for reading Hizb Al-Wiqaya… Continue reading
Dream: Marriage istikharah
My aunt prayed the istikharah prayers for me (she asked whether if the boy I was seeing was good for me)… Continue reading
Sunnah of Turban/ Khidr Nabi/ Abdur rauf yamani
Q: We have seen the Sunnah of the turban being twisted into our heads.How ever the Wahhabis do not follow that tradition & they have it as a shawl around their head. They claim that having it around the head is a stronger hadith. How true is this? Continue reading