Tag Archives: spear
Dream: Attacked by a giant beef
I saw me in a dream in the house of my parents (in a foreign country), in the garden… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged beef, chase, destroy, ego, garden, old man, parents' house, protection, running, shaykh, spear, table, target, tree
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Martial Arts
Is Martial Art competition allowed in Islam?… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged activities, allowed, archery, body, camel, face, halal, haram, hitting, horse racing, hunting, martial arts, military training, permissibility, physical skills, protective equipment, running, spear, sports, Sunnah, swimming, sword, weapon training, wrestling
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Dream: Heart being Pierced by a Spear
It was as if a Majestic Angel (which the heart would say is Hazrat Gibril (AS) would put a spear through our heart Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Ahl al-Bayt, cleansing, disease, enmity, gold, heart, nafs, pain, purity, Sayyidina Gibril, spear
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