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Tag Archives: spells
Suspect Black Magic or Jinn
My brother who recently married a second woman who we confirmed from a buzurg is performing black magic on him so he can divorce his first wife. My brother has recently started wearing taweez… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged kill black magic, polygamy issues, protection from jinn, spells
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Seeing the colour red when eyes are closed
Please can you tell me the meaning or reason of what it means if you see red light when closing eyes?… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged Ayat al-Kursi, black magic, dhikr, evil eye, eyes, eyestrain, forbidden, haram, jealous, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, nazar, prayer, red light, relatives, sihr, spells
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